Navigating Your Mailbox
- Navigating Virtual Office Web Client
- Setting your General Preferences
- Customize your views
- User interface features and shortcuts
- Right-click menus
- Applying actions to multiple selections
- Using shortcuts to navigate
- Using browsers
- When do I need to save my work?
- Viewing the Overview Pane
- Mail system folders
Managing Your Email
- Managing your email message view
- Setting your mail preferences
- Categorizing your email messages
- Customizing your initial email page
- How Conversations work
- Printing a conversation
- Viewing messages in Message view
- Moving email messages between folders
- Setting a forwarding address
- Subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds
- Managing your account identities
- Recovering deleted mail messages
- Purging email messages
- Sharing Folders
Reading Mail
- Reading mail from the Reading Pane
- Setting Up Desktop Alerts
- Marking Mail as Unread
- New Messages
- Displaying HTML in email messages
- Opening file attachments
- Printing a mail message
- Undeliverable mail
Composing Email
- Composing and sending email messages
- Setting preferences for the email compose window
- Parts of an email message
Reply to and Forward Messages
Sharing Mail Folders
Using Tags and Folders to Organize Email
Retrieving Mail from other Accounts
How-To Resources
Setting Up Desktop Alerts
You can create desktop alerts for new email notification, appointment reminders, and instant message notification. To receive alerts, your mailbox must be opened.
Email message alerts. You set your preferences in the Preferences>Mail tab. Following are the alert options:
Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when a new email arrives in the Inbox. If you have your volume set to mute, you will not here a sound.
Flash the Mail tab. The email tab is highlighted when new email arrives in the Inbox if you are not working in the Mail tab.
Flash the browser title. When new email arrives in the Inbox, the browser flashes until you open the Mail tab.
Appointment Reminder alerts. You set your preferences in the Preferences>Calendar tab. Before you can set an alert, set the time to be reminded of your meeting. This can be up to 60 minutes before the meeting. A reminder dialog appears at the designated time before the meeting. If you set reminders to Never, you are not reminded of the meeting even if you have the reminder options enabled.
The VOWC reminder does not pop up on the top of the page if you are not in VOWC Calendar, enabling one of the following options helps to alert you of the pop-up:
Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when an appointment reminder pops up. If you have your volume set to mute, you will not here a sound.
Flash the browser title. When an appointment reminder pops up, the browser flashes until you close the pop-up
IM alerts. You set your preferences in the Preferences>IM tab. You must enable instant notification to get an alert. Following are the alert options:
Play a sound. You are notified by a beep when an IM is received. If you have your volume set to mute, you will not here a sound.
Flash the IM tab. The IM tab is highlighted when new IM is received to the IM tab.
Flash the browser title. When an IM is received, the browser flashes until you open the IM tab.