Navigating Your Mailbox
- Navigating Virtual Office Web Client
- Setting your General Preferences
- Customize your views
- User interface features and shortcuts
- Right-click menus
- Applying actions to multiple selections
- Using shortcuts to navigate
- Using browsers
- When do I need to save my work?
- Viewing the Overview Pane
- Mail system folders
Managing Your Email
- Managing your email message view
- Setting your mail preferences
- Categorizing your email messages
- Customizing your initial email page
- How Conversations work
- Printing a conversation
- Viewing messages in Message view
- Moving email messages between folders
- Setting a forwarding address
- Subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds
- Managing your account identities
- Recovering deleted mail messages
- Purging email messages
- Sharing Folders
Reading Mail
- Reading mail from the Reading Pane
- Setting Up Desktop Alerts
- Marking Mail as Unread
- New Messages
- Displaying HTML in email messages
- Opening file attachments
- Printing a mail message
- Undeliverable mail
Composing Email
- Composing and sending email messages
- Setting preferences for the email compose window
- Parts of an email message
Reply to and Forward Messages
Sharing Mail Folders
Using Tags and Folders to Organize Email
Retrieving Mail from other Accounts
How-To Resources
Sharing Folders
You can share your email, address book, calendar, tasks, notebooks and briefcase folders with others either in your organization, external guests, or the public. You right-click a folder and in the dialog that appears specify the type of access permissions to give the Grantee. You can share with internal users who can be given complete manager access to the folder, external guests that must use a password to view the folder content, and public access so that anyone who has the URL can view the content of the folder.
When internal users share a folder, a copy of the shared folder is put in the Grantee's Folder list on the Overview pane. When the folder is selected, the content displays in the Content pane.
Granting access to your folders
You can share folders with internal users or groups, external guests and the public.
Email folders can be shared only with internal users or groups
Internal users or groups
You can share with others in your group or company. When you share with internal users or groups, you enter the email addresses and select the type of access to grant, either:
Viewer. The Grantee can view the content in the folder but cannot change the content.
Manager. The Grantee has permissions to view, edit, remove content, accept and decline calendar invitations or requests to share other folders.
Admin. The Grantee has full permission to manage the folder, including view, edit, and remove content; accept and decline invitations, share your folder with other people or groups, or revoke access to a shared folder.
None. This is an option to temporarily disable access to a grantor's shared folder without revoking the share privileges. The Grantee still has the folder in their list but cannot view or manage activities in the folder.
External guests
You can share external guests that must use a password to view the folder content. External guides cannot make changes to your folder. You create the password
Public URL
Anyone who knows the URL to the folder can view the folder content. The public cannot make any changes to the folder. When you select to share with Public, the URL for that displays in the Share Properties dialog is made accessible to the public.
Revoking access to shared folders
You can edit the access rights and revoke permissions at any time from the folder's Edit Properties page.
Accessing a folder shared with you
When a folder is shared with you, you receive an email notification. When you select Accept in the email, the folder link is added to the Overview pane in your mailbox. When you click on the folder, you can see the contents of the Grantor's folder.